This includes my work projects, which I am not allowed to link to, and my personal projects that I am allowed to link to

Current work project: "Air/Ground Communication Web Tool" (not its real name)
Contributing to the web UI, as well as a gRPC interface for the software that serves as our air/ground connection
Technologies: Vue, Vuetify, JavaScript, C++, gRPC

Work project: "Signals of Interest Map View" (not its real name)
Built a new web UI for the Navy using an internal software system built on Vuetify, which leveraged Vue.js and Cesium, to show military operators signals of interest. Created a filter component that was used to specify criteria such as time of detection and speed in miles per hour for allied and enemy signals. Coordinated with both designers and customers.
Technologies: Vue, Vuetify, JavaScript, Cesium

Work project: Low Band Pulse Detector
Expanded capabilities for a pulse detector, implemented in C++, to support a new input data set, deliver a wider range of output fields, and use dynamically-sized structs
Technologies: Vue, Vuetify, JavaScript, Cesium

Just for fun: Faketreon
A material design mockup of Patreon I made using Vue/Vuetify as an April Fools Joke
Technologies: Vue, Vuetify

Just for fun: Writing website
I used Bootstrap to make a centralized place for sharing my writing
Technologies: Bootstrap, HTML

Just for fun: Corgi Pomodoro
Uses a REST API called the Dog API to retrieve random open source corgi images every 5 and 25 minutes
Technologies: JavaScript, Dog REST API

Just for fun: Angry Chem Teacher
Veutify/JavaScript; an interactive chemistry lesson
Technologies: JavaScript, Vuetify

For Kiwanis: Citrus Heights Kiwanis Website
Based on the GivingPress Theme; Simply uses Wordpress