My Short Stories

Story Title Description Miscellaneous Info Link(s)
In the World I See "For no reason at all, people just started to die..." This is the main story I submitted for my ENL5F portfolio. My instructor said my previous work was melodramatic, so I tried to radically change my writing style Full Text
Wait for Us "One year ago, all the rich people disappeared..." One of the two stories I submitted for an ENL100F workshop. Many responses critisized it for being confusing, so I wrote this revision and roughly doubled the length Full Text
In Parallel In a parallel universe where illegal drugs are legal, creative writing is the most marketable major, and fancy cars are given out as writing prizes, two young writers strive to secure their freedom and obtain a Tesla in the process After attending my first hackathon, I wanted to write a story to answer the question, "What if creative writing were as respected a major as computer science?" Full Text
Miller 420 A completely made-up story about my first year in college I wrote this as an inside joke for my roommate, as well as some other people at our college dorm Full Text
In Name Only "When your brother is addicted to drugs, people don't expect much from you..." This was printed in the Audeamus Journal Full Text